Friday, 9 October 2015

Thoughts & Day Trips

Hey guys! It has been a long time since my last post...(Worst blogger ever haha)! The main reason I have been absent was when I first started my blog I wanted this space to be a reflection of me & for it to be fun. Like I have said before I love blogs & always wanted to start one. I really enjoy the activity of laying out photos & seeing it come all together, it is rewarding to me. I started to feel like my Instagram and blog was a chore & that I was rushing my posts instead of taking the time to learn & enjoy the process. Basically I have been overthinking the crap out of everything; it's one of my horrible traits that I am working on! 

So I took the summer off focusing on friends, family & my overall health. I am currently making goals for the year on where I would like to be with my career, relationships, overall well-being ...basically everything :) I plan to share each month what my focuses are on & how it went, what worked & what didn't! 

I contemplated sharing personal posts in this space. In the end I realized what keeps me going back to certain blogs is due to the fact they are personable, funny & incredibly inspiring! So why not share! Here's to growing, holding myself accountable & sharing a little more into my life other than your average style post! WOO! 


Evan & I decide to drive up for lunch to one of our favorite bakery with the best mac & cheese near Lake Louise. We grabbed our food & found a deserted day area to hangout! It was a nice change considering that area is known to be packed with people all the time! We snapped a few pictures then headed home! It was nice to get out of town.
Happy October!


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